Many people who offer help in receiving financial aid and scholarships say that students should start searching as early as junior year to find what they need. Junior year? Yes, that seems a bit early to search for money when you haven't even applied to schools yet, but why not? Students are preparing the second they step into high school to get into college by taking the most difficult classes and preparing for standardized testing, whether on a state or national level.
Financial aid and scholarships are becoming more vital to high school students as the cost of college is steadily increasing and the economy is currently in a downturn. But where can a high school student find information on financial aid and scholarships? Why, just turn to the most talked about website behind Facebook for high school students: Collegeboard is the head-honcho for standardized testing, admitting all SAT and AP tests that high school students take. Yet in addition to just admitting these tests, they also have many valuable resources on how to pay for college and advice for high school students who hope to go to college after their graduation.
Other resources for scholarships and financial aid:
Evan Kendall
INeedAPencil Associate
Sharon High School 2010 (Sharon, MA)